Your Personal Site
If you've read Chapter 1 of the Learn Enough Git tutorial, you should be comfortable with the following statements:
- Git is a version control software
- Git transforms an ordinary folder into a repository
- Properly formatted HTML pages have
If any one of those statements don't make sense, please re-read Chapter 1.
GitHub is an online service for projects that use Git. In addition to hosting repositories online, allowing coders to collaborate on writing code. They also provide a service called GitHub Pages that can host static websites for free.
Please continue reading the Learn Enough Git tutorial and follow the instructions from Chapter 2 to Chapter 4:
- Sign up for a GitHub account
- Create a remote repository
- Familiarize yourself with the Git workflow: committing, pushing, pulling, branching and merging
- Set up your site on GitHub Pages
Congratulations, now you have a personal site hosted on GitHub for free!
We ask that you go one step beyond the tutorial and create an extra page called biography.html
and link to it from your main page. Before you begin writing, read Chapter 3 in the Learn Enough HTML tutorial to find out how to make tables and a navigation menu.
In the biography page, tell us a little bit about yourself (what program you're in, what you're studying, your past experiences or projects etc.) and also what your academic and professional interests are. Use the new tags (spans, divs, tables, lists etc.) that you've learned whenever possible.
P/S: You don't have to write a long essay for your bio! Just something simple will be fine.
Now that you have the basic structure of your web page set up, it's time to style it, read Chapter 4 in the Learn Enough HTML tutorial and add some inline CSS to your page.
If you've made it this far, congratulations! Just one last step to go.